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Online videos increase conversions 45% at

Conversion rates increased 45% on 10 different products after retailer tested more than 100,000 video impressions.

During the A/B testing of the online videos, the wedding products retailer discovered that it was important that videos loaded quickly or presented options for visitors on slow connections to see an unobstructed first page image of the video with the option to simultaneously load the video, says Raj Gajwani, CEO of SilverDock, whose company provides online video services to

Load times turn out to be a big deal for online video, he says. If you delay the page load by a few seconds, it can reduce the conversion rate significantly.

To prevent delays in page loading, made adjustments so that the whole page is visible to the viewer before the video is loaded, Gajwani says. The retailer also placed the start arrow to launch the video to the side of the video so it doesn’t interfere with the main image before the video loads.

Someone on a slow Internet connection still sees an attractive image, whether or not they click to start the video, Gajwani says. If they click to start it, they still see the image while waiting for the video to load.

This differs from many videos that appear with the start arrow in the center of the static video image, which distorts the image until the video loads, he says.

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