2024 B2B Omnichannel Buyer and Seller Report

Crucial data on seamless omnichannel experiences that shoppers want

2024 B2B Omnichannel Buyer and Seller Report


The 2024 B2B Omnichannel Buyer and Seller Report offers the research and data you need to implement effective digital strategies, learn from companies and executives who have overcome challenges, and be prepared for continuing sales expansion and productivity.

Interested in this report and more of our upcoming research? Sign up for a Digital Commerce 360 Gold or Platinum Membership to receive two full calendar years of research reports for over 50% off individual prices, plus access to the data behind the analysis in select membership plans.

2024 B2B Omnichannel Buyer and Seller Report

The 2024 B2B Omnichannel Buyer and Seller Report is the ultimate guide to understanding how and why today’s B2B buyers engage with U.S. manufacturers and distributors across multiple digitally-driven sales channels. It provides in-depth data and analysis on why both business buyers and sellers are embracing digital commerce across all levels and sales channels within their organizations, highlighting the growth drivers that have made B2B omnichannel a top strategic priority.  

The way that B2B buyers make digital purchases for their organizations has evolved. Recent research reveals that buyers now utilize a variety of channels to engage with sellers, and these channels are increasingly digital.  

The Report is based on Digital Commerce 360’s data and research, tracking successful manufacturing and distribution company strategies. It also includes insights from leading companies such as Johnson Controls, Groupe Touchette, Southern Glazer’s Wine & Spirits, ADI Global, and Parts Town on what is working and how they are innovating. 

View the table of contents for full details on what’s included in the report.

Published July 2024


2024 B2B Omnichannel Trends & Strategies   

  • The latest data on B2B omnichannel trends for U.S. manufacturers and distributors 
  • An overview of how to deliver a profitable B2B buyer experience 
  • B2B Buyer Survey data from Digital Commerce 360 and Forrester Research 
  • Analysis and key takeaways on how younger buyers are driving significant changes in digital and self-service purchasing methods 


Data-Packed Charts
Visuals to share with your colleagues and clients.




  • Today’s B2B buyers use as many as 10 or more digitally focused sales channels to engage with sellers 
  • A decade ago, on average, B2B used 5 sales channels to do business with sellers 
  • 53% of companies taking part in a 2023 B2B buyers survey from Digital Commerce 360 and Forrester Research make an online purchase daily or multiple times over a business day 
  • The 2023 survey of 150 buyers by DC360 and Forrester finds that 36% of buyers graded their experience as an A 
  • 75% of B2B buyers prefer a rep-free sales experience 
  • By 2025, 80% of B2B sales interactions will occur via digital channels 
  • Ecommerce has surpassed in-person as the single most effective channel 

2024 B2B Omnichannel Buyer and Seller Report


The 2024 B2B Omnichannel Buyer and Seller Report offers the research and data you need to implement effective digital strategies, learn from companies and executives who have overcome challenges, and be prepared for continuing sales expansion and productivity.

Interested in this report and more of our upcoming research? Sign up for a Digital Commerce 360 Gold or Platinum Membership to receive two full calendar years of research reports for over 50% off individual prices, plus access to the data behind the analysis in select membership plans.